Yo, welcome to GenZnewZ! Here's the deal – these terms and conditions lay down the law for using our website. If you're vibing with it, cool, but if not, bounce.

Cookies? Yeah, we use 'em to customize your online vibe. They're like little text files that help make your experience smoother. No worries, they're not about to infect your system or anything. Just know, some are essential for the site to function, while others are optional – your call.

Now, about our content – it's our intellectual property, so no swiping or repping it without our say-so. And don't even think about selling or redistributing our stuff.

We're all about sharing ideas here, so if you wanna drop a comment, go for it.
Also, you gotta know that all our contents are written in pure street slangs and some words and phrases might probably mean something else for you; keep it at the back of your mind that we all about positive stuff so if something kind of sounds negative for you, re-read it again with a positive conscious; that's why we are here to learn, connect, have fun, and turn negativity to real positive for better tomorrow of we all lives.
Just keep it chill – we're not responsible for what y'all say, but we'll boot out anything that's straight-up not cool.

So yeah, that's the lowdown. Stick to the script, and we'll all get along just fine.

Terms and conditions